
Friday, June 17, 2011

Dad's Day 2011

I was a little stumped this year for Father's day. This is what we did last year.  My sister Amanda sent me this photo idea and I thought that it was so cute! I did not take advantage of the free collage, but opted for 4x6 prints to put in last year's frame and a collage picture to put inside his card.  I guess I am starting a tradition of new photos for Father's day. 

Here is the frame in the garage.

Outdoor photo shoot with the kids. They had fun!


I used Photoshop to make this final product.


  1. That is so awesome! I love both the ones they are holding the letters and the ones that they are laying down. Great ideas!!!

  2. I love it! I also love the line that states "My sister Amanda" ;]

  3. Mary- I believe that you can do lowercase letters with two kids ;)

    LeAnn- Thank you!!!

    Amanda- You are a "sister" now! Love you!
