
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Homemade Apple Pie {Epic Fail}

Yesterday I decided to make Matt's favorite dessert, apple pie from scratch. That is the way his mom makes it and don't you know I will never replicate that. To tell you the truth apple pie is my least favorite. Pumpkin is my favorite and pecan is second. What was I thinking baking a pie on a 90 degree day? I followed the Pioneer Woman's "Perfect Pie Crust" recipe. Very easy and tastes just like mom's!

Looks good, huh? Even Matt came home and said that it looked good, but it is the inside that counts.

This is what the inside looked like! SOUP! Well, I did something wrong and bless my family because Matt and Wyatt ate a piece and told me it tasted fine.  Wyatt is going to make one good husband some day!  I am more proud of myself because I did not cry. So, it may not have been an "epic" fail, but I learned a few things. I can make a crust from scratch and I can not expect everything to be perfect the first time around. 


  1. I'm all about eating the crust anyway, so I would have been a happy baker. LOL I'm not a fan of apple pie but it looks yummy!

  2. The crust is my favorite part too!!!
