
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

It Only Took Six Months

to hang those kitchen prints, but I finally did it! I have been waiting and debating the right spot and when I picked up a coveted "mystery" plate as my kids call it from The Shops at Target I knew where the perfect spot would be.



Here are some more pictures of my new little wall.

I love the little Give Thanks print.  It was originally blue, but I changed the color in Photoshop to a light gray to match my decor.

The rug arrived and I think that it was meant for my kitchen.  Thanks to all my friends for voting! It just the right size and the colors are amazing in person.  It is also soft and that was a surprise. I was expecting it to be a little rough as it was labeled as an outdoor rug.

And now to sound completely ungrateful: I love the floor, but hate the honey oak. It is a good thing that we were planning on painting the cabinets anyway.  I am happy that we decided to install the floor prior to painting though because we are changing our thoughts on the paint color.  Originally I wanted a dark java, but now I am thinking gray.  That will be a post in itself I am sure.


  1. Your wall looks great! Six months was worth the wait:) I am digging those parsons chairs you recovered for the playroom too!
    :) Samantha

  2. Too cute! I love those pictures!!
