
Monday, October 1, 2012

Super Spot Remover Review

I am an avid pinner, but I will admit that most of those pins are just wishful thinking.  I picked up this chevron sweater dress for Madeline at a thrift shop for .52 cents! Can you believe that?!  I saw that there was a red waxy stain by the pockets, but decided that it was worth trying to save.

I have seen this pin a thousand times and decided to test it out.  All you need is blue Dawn dish soap, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide.

Mix one teaspoon of Dawn with two tablespoons of baking soda, and three to four teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide.

Apply to stain and rub a little. Because this was a sweater dress I kept the rubbing to a minimum to reduce pilling.  I let the solution sit for an hour, rinsed,  and then machine washed the dress.


When I pulled the dress out of the wash the stain was gone!  I love that this super stain remover is inexpensive and uses ingredients that I already have on hand.  
