
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Patio Light Before and After

Last week I removed this weather worn light fixture on the back of our house and gave it a makeover. Since I tackled the porch light I decided I could save some dough and paint this one and

Last week I removed this weather worn light fixture on the back of our house and gave it a makeover. Since I tackled the porch light. I decided I could save some dough and paint this one. I already had the paint so this project was practically free! I did this on my own including removing and installing the fixture.  I was just a little proud, can't you tell?  I also replaced the light bulb with a CFL bulb.  That is an improvement in itself!


  1. LOVE the transformation!! And, I'm very proud of you for doing it all yourself! :)

  2. Thank you Michelle! It really took only minutes.
